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"A women who is enjoying her labor swings into the rhythm of contractions as if birth-giving were a powerful dance, her uterus creating the beat. She watches for it, concentrates on it , like an orchestra following it's conductor." -Sheila Kitzinger 

Pictures & Stories


Sessy's Birth Journey




 Prodromal Labor August 2nd-9th   

         On August 2nd me and my husband and girls went grocery shopping. we were loading the car and heading home when I had my first contraction, it hurt enough that I stayed parked till it was over and headed home. I had 3 contractions on my way home which is a 20 minute drive, they weren't horrible but made concentrating on driving a bit difficult. We got home and I drank a ton of water, rested, ate dinner, took a bath and had a glass of wine. None of the go to things stopped, eased or slowed the contractions which were coming about 10-15 minutes apart. I decided to let me birth team know that I was having contractions but I didn't think I needed any one to come over yet but....they all insisted and came anyway. I had quite the team of birth supporters. Cindy our photographer and good friend,my best friend Tasha who was in charge of live stream and moral support, My mom Kim was moral support and help with the kids, Jaime my Doula and Audra my midwife. There was also my husband Josh and daughters Kaelyn 4 and Maecyn 2. They all came over and we had what will be forever known as the Pre-labor party, "its just a bunch of vulva's" was a common phrase spoken with humor and great fun! Contractions never progressed and never intensified so around 2 am we went to bed. that night contractions continued to wake me up every 10-30 minutes and id have to go pee, every time. the next morning things continued non changing, so i had breakfast with my sleep over buddies, my mom came over and we went for ice cream and a walk to see if we could speed things up. Nothing changed and i decided i needed a nap. I was awoken suddenly from my nap by my phone and a contractions. and soon threw up. called Jaime to let her know what the day was bringing and we were all hopeful that the vomiting was a sign of change to wasn't Jaime came over and brought some herbal supplements to try to encourage progression. It definitely felt like it changed things, the contractions became more focalized and more intense but not more frequent and as soon as the supplements wore off things would return to what they were in the beginning. Things continued through out the day but come night i had to decide if I was going to continue to try to push thing into active labor and rest and after a long emotional hour I decided to sleep and let what ever was to be,be. Jaime went home and my sleep over buddies Cindy and Tasha went to bed. My contractions continued never changing. The next morning I decided to go about life as normal. Got up, ate, dressed and we decided to go to the zoo at this point things actually slowed down a bit but I was determined not to be discouraged and just enjoy the time I had left as a momma of 2 and just let it be. Prodromal labor continued like this for the rest of the week, 3 contractions an hour, uncomfortable but not painful never changing and unable to be relaxed away. 


Time of Rest August 9th-15th   

         My prodromal labor had finally stopped a week after it started and I was thankful when it did because even though it wasn't painful the contractions woke me through the night and distracted me through the days.  I was emotionally doing great but physically I was exhausted. Once that had subsided I would have a random few contractions here and there each day with no consistency but noted the changes my body was making which lead me to believe we were finally coming close to meeting the newest family member. I noticed things like, increased discharge, random nausea, cervical pressure, decreased fetal movement. I was more tired, antsy, moody. I just continued life as it was, cleaning the house, playing with the kids, cooking and more cleaning. On the 14th which marked 41 weeks, we had Cindy, her husband, son and cousin over to watch the meteor shower. We had a yummy lasagna dinner prepared by Cindy then took some last minute fun maternity pictures. We did some outside while Josh tried to start a fire but that failed so we moved inside to finish. After we finished pictures we watched the meteor shower and had Peanut butter cream pie. It was a fun night and on and off the whole night Cindy joked about how I said I wanted the baby to be born on the 14th and that maybe she shouldn't go home. I kept reminding her that I wanted to have the baby during the meteor shower but that I didn't think baby would come till the 21st so I still had a week to go. While doing maternity pictures we let the girls paint on my belly and doing so woke up the baby who was moving like crazy and pinching nerves in my groin, I kept shouting out in pain as it felt like a knife was being stabbed in my leg, butt and groin for seconds at a time. Cindy insisted this was labor and she shouldn't go home. I denied it and sent her home at around 12. Then I went to bed exhausted and sore. 


Labor August 15th 4 a.m.   

          I woke up for the first time about 1 with a light contraction which made me need to pee. I had become use to this and had been sleeping on an air mattress in my living room for the extra space and to make it easier to go to the bathroom at night and not have to walk up and down the stairs. I woke up had the contraction went to the bathroom,decided that kinda hurt and went back to sleep. I woke up a few more times with light contractions not sure when exactly but again noticed "that hurt" and went back to sleep. Pretty much right at 4 i had a slightly bigger contraction, painful enough that i struggled to calmly lay through the contraction then got up to use the bathroom. While sitting on the toilet I had another contractions and cleared my bowels. While in the bathroom I was looking at the wall in the living room I saw a white light. It started dim and was flickering and the light slowly go brighter and brighter till it hurt my eyes. I was thinking what the heck is that, and then it started to fade. I finished in the bathroom and went to investigate the possible source of the light, thinking maybe I hit the wii charger but that light was green or maybe the TV wasn't off just on stand bye, it was really off. I then went to the window thinking it could have been a passing car but the curtains were casting a shadow where the light had been. I thought it was weird but i wasn't scared or even freaked out everything felt right and normal so I got back in bed. While laying in bed I was looking out the window still thinking about the mysterious light and then all the sudden I saw and smelled smoke coming from the fire pit. Josh had tried to start a fire at 8 pm but it never took, when we were star gazing you could see a few ambers glowing but no smell of smoke and nothing came from it so we left it be.8 hours latter while staring at it smoke arose from the pit and then it ignited. Just the smallest bit of flames, i walked out side, then went in side to get water to put it out.At this point it all felt a little eerie. I had another semi painful contraction and admitted to myself that I thought I was in labor. I then thought damn Cindy was right and I should owe her money or something.I decided to try to time them and that at 5 a.m. I would start calling people if they were changing by either getting closer or stronger.


Active Labor 5am   

           Making it to 5 sucked! I tried to using the positions and calming techniques I used with Maecyn and nothing was really working. With my first two births sitting cross legged was the way to go, I'd lean forward during a contraction and lean back to rest, this was not happening this time. I couldn't sit down in any fashion so I spent contractions on my knees with my belly dangling and my head on a pillow on my birthing ball all while on top of the air mattress, it was quite the sight. when the contraction was over I would sit onto my feet. When it started I'd raise up to dangle. I was alone and it was quite. Taking from Maecyn's birth the power of singing through contractions to cope I sang a line from my favorite song "free fall flow river flow, on and on it goes, breathe under water till the end, yes the river knows" and i would repeat it as the contraction continued. When I rested I stared at the banner of birth flags hanging in front of me, they made me feel not alone. Each one was written by someone I loved and I read a few of them over and over " Open and relax" " you are beautiful you are strong" and a few others. I was loosely timing the contractions, I  did it when my phone was in reach or if I had time to hit start. I looked at it at 4:45 and realized they were coming every 3 to 6 minutes and lasting 30 to 45 seconds but I was starting to struggle getting through them so I decided that I should call my mom. The whole pregnancy I debated with myself which order to call people in and in the moment I chose her "mom its me, I'm in labor started at 4 tried to make it till 5 but couldn't so get up and get ready" she asked if I'd called anyone else and I said no I was still waiting till 5 because I didn't want anymore false alarms but didn't want to be alone anymore. I texted Tasha even though I knew she couldn't come, she was recovering from surgery and staying an hour away. I wanted her to be there with me, but since she couldn't I hoped she could be on live stream to experience it all with me. Then I called Audra to let her know all the basics, told her my times, my pain and all the important stuff and she said she was on her way. Then I called Jaime, or maybe I called Jaime first, I'm not sure anymore but she was the closest to me and I needed her. Then i called Cindy, i wanted pictures dang it! It was like clock work first josh came down ready for work when I sprung it on him that he wasn't going anywhere. Then a few minutes later my mom walked in the door and started helping him set up the tub. I think they were still filling it when  Jaime arrived.Then Cindy and finally Audra all within minutes of each other around 5:30 am.


Transition 6 am

          I remember that first contraction with Jaime it was like heaven compared to the last one. She asked what she could do and I said something along the lines of I don't know but do something. She sprang into action and applied counter pressure to my hips and it felt like in an instant the pain was gone, so much so that she let up on the pressure which led to the pain coming back. In between the contractions she lightly rubbed my back , i remember her whispering to me but not about what.Each contraction after she arrived got more intense and closer together.Then when Audra arrived she walked in, her presences was magnificent, she simply set down her bag whispered to me and placed her hands on my head, her hands on my head were like heaven , like all the tension and pain vanished, she took them off and the pain started to return so  i asked that she leave them there for a minute. she whispered to me that I was amazing, I was so powerful and strong. After that contraction ended she said she needed to check the babies position and listen to the baby through a contraction with a Doppler. I was pretty insistent that I couldn't lay down, but she said "I'm really sorry but I'm going to have to play the mean midwife card, you need to lay down I have to know that baby didn't move" I remember thinking for only a second, you mean, never. Then a contraction started again and I told her " I cant, I cant lay down, I cant even sit down"  my legs were so tired from kneeling for so long and then I was on my side, wanting to scream in pain, maybe I even did. She felt the position and gave us the clear. I remember her listening to the heart tones, whispering to me and to baby that everything was great. I loved hearing her talk to the baby even now with all the pain. I rushed her to stop monitoring with the next contraction, pleading to get up and she said ok. I had the last contraction on the ball and looked up to see everyone and asked "can I get in the tub" every one was all yeah sure whats stopping you . What was stopping me is that No one told me that the tub was full and ready I would have already been in there when Jaime and Audra had arrived had I known! 

Birth 6:24am   

         I remembering hurrying to get up I could feel the most intense pressure ever, more pressure then with my other labors and deliveries.  I remember being asked if i needed help getting undressed and mentally it was sorta like "undressed? ooo you mean I'm still wearing clothes, I still have socks and pants and underwear on, who knew" so I just stripped my lower half and shot in the tub like a bullet out of a gun. My Gosh that water was heavenly it felt as good as the first time Jaime laid her hands on me, it felt as good as Audra's hands on my head, and then that first contraction was over. I remember saying "shit something is coming out of me" well duh it is sorta the point of it all, but so soon, how could this be happening so soon. I thought I felt something coming down during the fetal heart rate check but it was so intense it couldn't be a baby, could it? Of course it was but I was in denial. We all were so convinced that this labor would be longer then my last, I wanted it to be longer! So I was in the tub and I was pushing, then i realized. "where are the kids, Josh go get the kids, hurry there going to miss it" and i was pushing again. I could feel that it was close, what it was I still hadn't a clue,it sure didn't feel like a head. I'd done this before I know what a head feels like and this was not a head it was a bowling ball, the girls and Josh walked in and and they were all just standing there." get Kaelyn undressed and in the tub the swim suit is in the tote" we had planned to let her catch the baby. It was her request to help Mrs. Audra. Then another contraction started and I pushed and yelled and squeezed my moms hand,who was kneeling in front of me and then looked up. Why was Kaelyn not in the tub what the hell was Josh doing. She was undressed though  " who cares about the swim suit get her in here the baby is coming right now" then I remember the most intense feeling of my life. It was intense and different but it still didn't feel like a head it felt like I was pushing out a sky scrapper, or a boulder, definitely not a baby, a baby couldn't possibly hurt this much or be this big. Then my lovely Midwife Audra with her sweet voice reminded me how much i didn't want to tear and that if I pushed right now I would so instead, I screamed. Yup SCREAMED think Hollywood drama births where the mother screams the baby out instead of pushing, that was me. I remember Jaime, lovely Jaime who squeezed my hips through every contraction. she had her hands on my hips and Audra was supporting the baby. Then I would scream and let the baby come down and scream and push just a tiny bit. Then Audra said ever so nicely " your bringing your bottom out of the water if you want this baby born in the water sit back down" With Maecyn at this point i accidentally stood up resulting in her being born inches above the water. So I sat my bottom back into the water and  screamed and pushed and let the baby come down. Then the baby was here, it really was a baby not a house! But there was no burning and it hurt so much. it didnt feel like i remembered. Audra said " I have the baby and I'm removing a loop of cord then I'll let Kaelyn lift her to the surface" well Kaelyn just stared at Audra so Audra lifted my baby to the surface and we heard her first cry. I was on my hands and knees so it took some maneuvering to get me seated and the baby handed to me. just like I requested know one called out the gender and once I was seated with my baby on my chest I felt under the blanket and said "I can't see it but I can feel it, its a girl, we have another girl, someone look am I right is it a girl" it was indeed a girl and josh asked "so whats her name? " and I responded "you know what I want to call her, Sharadyn Aire" and he said so that's her name.  

After Birth 6:24 am   

        While waiting for my placenta to be delivered we let Maecyn into the tub too, both girls were happy as can be, swimming around while I stared in disbelief at this tini tiny little baby "but she is so small" i said a few times I just couldn't believe it, "its a girl, another girl" I just couldn't believe it. I was sooo sure That we were having a BIG baby boy, and to look down at the smallest little girl I was in shock, happy shock! Man the after birth contractions for your 3rd baby HURT! They hurt like labor hurt and as always my placenta was being stubborn, or maybe I was being stubborn and I didn't feel like pushing, it hurt and I was tired and I just wanted to sit there. I talked with everyone laughed, noted "wow there isn't a drop of blood in the water" "Look at how much vernix, she is sooo white" "she is so tiny" she never really cried, a few little mews here and there, I had Jaime help me take off my shirt because I was in to much of a hurry getting in to even care that i was still wearing it. Then I held her to my skin while Audra checked the cord length and felt my Fundal height and encouraged me to "try to push" which I'd half ass and then say "I cant, can I just rest a minute, I just need another minute" Finally Audra suggested well we can give you a tincture to make the contractions stronger so you can push out the placenta. She noted that it had separated the cord had lengthened and i was showing every sign of being ready except that I was saying I wasn't so finally I did it and it freaking hurt. Then there was blood in the tub which meant it was time to get out. It wasn't till sometime later while in bed I think that I had been commenting on how big the baby felt and how different it felt when she was coming out that Audra told me that Sharadyn had been born in the caul which is why there was so much pressure and why she felt so much bigger and that there was no ring of fire. I didnt even have that moment of relief after the head comes out. I remember responding "well next time break the freaking water" she said "next time this might be a record not even 2 hours after birth and your already saying next time." There will definitely be a next time and I'll be antsy till then. I will have another amazing, painful, wonderful, powerful Birth. I will be attended by the 2 best birth workers I know, Audra and Jaime. I will be surrounded by my friends and my family, my children and my husband and I will bring forth another brilliant life in the living room of my home.


     On August 15th 2013 at 6:24 am after 2 hours 24 minutes of labor we welcomed our 3rd little girl! Sharadyn Aire Hill who was born in the caul, in the water, in the living room of our home, she was caught by the most caring and wonderful midwife, Audra Post and welcomed by her sisters Kaelyn and Maecyn. Her Daddy, her Nonna , my wonderful friends Cindy who was our photographer and Jaime who was our Doula. Her birth was live streamed in the dark and listened to by a network of my loving friends and family. She weighed 6 pounds 8 oz and was 19 1/4 inches.




I've told my birthing story to several people, but so far, none of those recountings has been able to come close to the amazing beauty and power that I felt during the actual experience of having you.

First of all, you were very wanted! Daddy and I waited 8 years before we decided to have you, and it took us about 3 months before you were made. I'll tell you the story of when we found out about you another day. I had a lovely pregnancy with you, and really enjoyed every minute of it. You were due on November 27th, the day after Thanksgiving. Well, Thanksgiving came and went, and I was starting to wonder when you would be coming. I was done with work, and still feeling good, so I wasn't in a huge rush. I knew you would come when you were ready, and I was glad to have a few days off.

Grandma and Grandpa Jewell were here for Thanksgiving and spent the night; daddy even ran the Festival of Lights run with Aunt Kelsi the next day. We walked all around town, and I remember them commenting that my energy level was not that of someone who was going to give birth soon! Grandma and Pop-Pop came on Saturday and left Monday morning. Daddy and I had all day to ourselves on Monday - we went Christmas shopping in the morning, then went out to lunch in Royal Oak and saw a movie, "The Road" – kind of an intense birthing scene in that movie! I remember noting it and thinking, “I hope I don't go into labor today!” Oops...

We came home and ate chili; I was still feeling fine - I even made a couple phone calls - one to Grandma and Pop-Pop (because Grandma had left her gloves at our house) and one to Emily, to wish her a happy birthday. After the chili, I felt like I had to go to the bathroom - doing that didn't help, and that made me think that maybe, just maybe, you were going to come that night! I thought, "Tummy issues don't usually come in increments of every five minutes!"

I went downstairs and told Daddy, and we were both nervous and excited. We decided to decorate the Christmas tree and see what happened. It soon became clear that I didn't have the energy or willpower to decorate the tree! I lay down while daddy hung the ornaments. This was about 8pm on Monday, November 30th. I laid down and rested; eventually, we started timing what we now knew were contractions! They were a little irregular, but seemed to come every 5 minutes and last for 30 seconds. This seemed fast to me, and I remember thinking you were probably coming soon! Little did I know...

We finally decided to call the midwives - that was a big step and made things seem very real! Kip called us back - she was very calm and said, "why don't you just relax - go upstairs, have a glass of wine, take a bath, and call back if you have any questions." I tried to rest on the couch, but the contractions were still coming every five minutes, and I started to get a little panicky! We called Kip back at 11pm, and she asked, "Well, what do you want to do?" I said, quivering, "I think I want to come in!" Well, now we were really excited and nervous.

We went around like chickens with our heads cut off, getting everything together. We had had a bag packed for weeks, but all of a sudden we seemed really disorganized. We called Daddy's parents and my parents to let them know we were going in. It was around midnight by then. Actually, Daddy made all the phone calls, because I was uncomfortable with contractions and didn't feel like talking. We also called our next door neighbors, the Evans', to let them know so they could keep an eye on Fellini and our house for us.

Finally we were in the car - bag of stuff and food in tow. It was dark, and there was hardly any traffic, although I do remember a cop that had pulled over a car right after we turned on Grand River and thinking, "Get out of our way!" Part of me wanted to get pulled over and to have daddy say, "my wife is in labor!" I called your auntie Lisa on the way too - I woke her up over in England, and she was excited! The ride wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. We made it to the birth center without incident. Kip and Audra were there, getting things ready. We went in and made our way back to the green room where I wanted to be.

It was dimly lit and cozy. I went in first, and your daddy came in right behind with the bags and helped me get settled. The bath was running, and there was both soothing music and the sound of ocean waves in a sound machine going. I could feel myself relaxing. I sat on the bed; Audra came over to get my vitals, but before she did, she put one hand on my forehead and one on the back of my neck. I know she always apologizes for her cold hands, but I am and was so dang hot, it felt good! She did that for about a minute while I sat on the bed and closed my eyes. I have such a distinct memory of that - I could feel my body melting into relaxation. Kip came in and gave me a hug and kiss. Clarice told me later that I was about 2-3 cm dilated when I came in.

Audra recommended that we just rest on the bed and try to get some sleep. Kip and Audra left to get some sleep themselves, and your daddy and I laid down on the bed. It was soft and embracing and cozy. Neither of us slept much, but we rested. The contractions were still coming about every five minutes. We laid down about 1am. I think then a few hours later, maybe around 5 am or so, I got up when I couldn't stand being in bed any more. I had your Daddy go get Audra, and she ran a bath for me. Things are a little blurry after that. I remember laboring in and out of the bath, but mostly in. I walked around a lot, and things seemed intense. I was really tired and remember wishing I had taken a nap while we were still at home decorating the tree. I got into a zone in the tub and stayed there for hours. Around 9am, Clarice came in, and I remember her whispering, "How long has she been in there?", referring to me in the tub. She encouraged me to get out - I did and went to the bathroom, and wow, did the contractions speed up then!

Audra only did vaginal checks on me a couple times, but they were not comfortable! I don't know how women tolerate being in the hospital and being strapped to a bed, monitors, and IVs. Once I was out of the tub, I labored some more. I paced around a lot, really in a trance. I got totally naked and remember how grateful I was that I was in a place where I felt comfortable enough to do that. They took a lot of pictures, which I'll show you some day if you want. I'm so glad they did that. I do remember saying things like, "I'm so tired, Audra!" and "I don't think I can do this much longer!" Audra was always there with comfort and reassurance. She listened to your heartbeat a lot, and you were a real trooper! Your heart rate never dipped. Both your daddy and I (as we revealed later) were always anxious when she listened and always asked, "Is everything okay?" More reassurance always followed.

Sigh. This is so long, but it is pouring out of me. I wish I could remember every second! There was that Joan of Arc banner on the wall that was so encouraging. It read "I was born to do this. I am not afraid." I found that so comforting. Anyway, I labored more out of the tub for a few hours I think. I tried to sip on things and even take a bite of Triscuit every once in a while - a very small bite! I was so not hungry. One time, I got really nauseated and called out that I thought I might throw up. Audra came in with a pan, but I just dry heaved and spit.

I talked to you a lot during the labor, saying things like, "I love you, baby! Everything's okay, come soon, baby!" I had contractions that kept speeding up from about 9am til 1pm. I remembered thinking how the daylight was changing - it was now bright outside. I paced a lot, and made low throated groans. They were quite loud, but it was what I had wanted to do, and it really did help. I remember saying at one point, "Are my noises scaring anyone else?" thinking that it was now regular business hours for them. They reassured me this was not the case.

Daddy said my moans of contractions were in sync with the ocean waves on the sound machine – he said it was really amazing to note the rhythmic sync. He took such good care of us during this time (and still does!). He would ask if I wanted the music from the CD replayed and was constantly rearranging the towels on me in the tub – rubbing my back with them, re-wetting them, etc.

I was out of the tub for a while then. I would go in the bathroom, go to the back door and press my cheek against the cool window, which felt good. I felt scared and really tired and would ask Audra, "Is everything okay, am I making progress?” She was always there to reassure me. At one point I was leaning over the bed and daddy noticed that my bottom was flaring out like a baboon's, which is something we had learned about in class. Lucky for him, he didn't tell me that till a few days later.

I also remember Kip and Clarice poking their cute little heads in around the door every once in a while, looking at me and smiling. At one point, when I was back in the tub, Clarice was just sitting in the rocking chair knitting. Everything they did was so normalizing and reassuring. Audra checked me at one point and said that she could feel your head; daddy felt it at that point and exclaimed how cool it was. I was really intense and zoned then and wasn't quite ready to feel it.

Things were really speeding up, and the pushing started around 1pm. Wow, was that intense! Like nothing I've felt before. Each of the three phases were unique and each more difficult – contractions, pushing, then crowning. My body just took over during all of it.

At one point, I was really tired and overwhelmed with the pain of contractions and took God's name in vain (and included the f-word). I immediately apologized to God, but Audra said, "I think God makes special exceptions for women in labor.”

Pop-pop called at one point and talked to Clarice. He and grandma were getting worried, since labor for Grandma and my sister had only taken a few hours. Clarice said I was doing great, but he asked for more specific info for “Nurse Grandma”. She of course told them everything they needed to know.

So where was I...pushing! I did feel your head in the tub at one point - I saw in the mirror that it was dark – surprise, surprise! And so much hair. It was so soft and velvety. I remember Kip saying in a birthing class that she would never forget that feeling; I know what she means now. I hadn't been ready to feel your head before, but now feeling it gave me the strength to go on.

I was back in the tub for the pushing. I was really in my trance then. Pushing made things more intense, but they slowed down too. I was so tired! But I got nice little breaks in between - even dozed a little, and I think daddy and Audra did too! Dad said he even heard me snoring a couple times! I kept looking up at the clock and thinking, "How much longer!?" or "Okay, I can make it to such and such a time." I would rest, head forward on the tub, then after 10 minutes or so start shaking uncontrollably and then the urge to push would waft over me. I actually wouldn't really describe it as pushing - just an uncontrollable force that I simply gave into. I was always really glad to get that break. It seemed like things were taking forever...I was really exhausted. At one point, near the end of pushing, Audra gave me some tea with honey to get my blood sugar up. I wasn't really able to eat at that point, so the tea was amazing and gave me just the boost I needed.

Things were heating up after 3pm, and it was shortly after that that you started crowning. Such burning and stretching! I remember looking up at Mitzi at one point and saying, "This really hurts!" I remember making a lot of faces at daddy too, during the labor, with my mouth turned down - now that I think about it, kind of like your pout now! Anyway, Mitzi said, "I know honey!" and kept clicking away on those pictures. Audra and Clarice were behind me - trying to help me focus on the pushing so I didn't push you out too fast and tear badly, they helped hold my perineum too. I remember feeling the energy level of the room being way up. It was shortly after that that I was leaning forward and went back to squat in a more upright position. As I was doing this, Clarice said, “Oh no honey, in or out of the tub, you have to decide where you're gonna have this baby." She didn't want me to be halfway out of the tub when you came. I was actually just leaning back to prepare for you to come at any moment - I was so focused and intense that I didn't have the outward energy to explain what I was doing, but I knew you were coming soon.

I was so focused – I was trying really hard to not push (which Audra had me do just during the pushing before the crowning too - that was hard!), but then...the indescribable urge came upon me, and with one massive push, you came shooting out into the water, like a little bullet. Oh my God, what relief and joy! Tears and shouts of joy everywhere, a cacophony of love! There you were, born just the way daddy and I had planned, surrounded by support and love! They put you on my chest immediately and covered you with a hat and blanket. Oh my God, you were so beautiful.

After a minute or two of joyful chaos, Daddy said, “Do we know what we had, did anyone look?” I said, “Oh, you look!” I had wanted him to be the one to look (I love that the midwives don't say and let us find out.) He burst into tears and said, “It's a girl!” Daddy said described this surprise later as, “A minute of her life existed without gender expectation – completely pure.” He said he was so happy and relieved that you were here that he almost forgot to look! He said it was not his first thought. We had talked incessantly about whether you were going to be a boy or girl while I was still pregnant. But during the intensity of the labor, this thought was far from our minds. I remember it occurring as a point of interest every once in a while, but I was so focused on getting you out that we weren't really thinking about that.

Daddy told me that he was surprised it was a girl; I was not. Oh my baby Lucy. Everyone said we were having a boy - the way I was carrying, the Chinese birth chart, the pendulum test! But oh, my heart said girl from the first moment I found out I was carrying you - you were my heart's desire, but I let everyone else talk me out of it. Lucy Margaret Aurel, named after both your grandpa's moms.

I held you, we looked at each other, daddy snuggled us. I asked if I could nurse you, and we tried - not quite then, but you got it eventually! We felt the cord pulsating, and Daddy cut the cord after about ten minutes. You got wrapped up and given to daddy then. He held you while sitting in a chair across from me, but I eventually asked him to come closer - I could not stand being away from you. You cried some. It took 45 agonizing minutes for the placenta to come out! I was so ready to get out of the tub and snuggle with you again. Audra even got me a homeopathic tab to help. I was scared of the placenta contractions, but it was one tiny contraction and, bloop, there it was! They helped me out of the tub, tucked me into bed with you, with warmed blankets. Hardly anything has felt so good in my whole life.

What time was it then? Must have been after 5pm at least! We snuggled some more and tried to nurse. You were crying a lot! We were so happy, and so tired. Daddy posted a picture on Facebook, as kind of a birth announcement. I called home and talked to Pop Pop. He cried when I told him - "Hi Daddy, you have a baby granddaughter. Her name is Lucy Margaret Aurel Jewell." He cried even more when he heard the name. Daddy called his parents and talked to his Dad. He cried when he heard the name too. Of course, Daddy and I both cried as well! Pop Pop said he wanted to call Auntie Lisa, and I called Grandma. She was at work. Someone answered and I said, "Hi, is Carol Derkin there?" She said, "Oh, is this her daughter? Did you have the baby?" Grandma was so excited, and especially that it was a girl. Now she had one of each!

I was STARVING! Daddy ordered us some pizza. The midwives were in and out, helping me figure out nursing, and doing various things. We never did get much sleep. They did a newborn exam, and weighed you. I remember thinking that they changed a few diapers and wondered if we should be doing it to get used to it. Now I'm glad we had that break! Before I got in the warm bed, I peed in the bathroom. I did have a second degree tear and a few small ones. The tear needed to be repaired. It was really painful to pee! I got into bed, Daddy held you, and Clarice and Audra stitched me up. I squeezed Daddy's hand and was worried it would hurt. Clarice put some cold rinse on my bottom to numb me up; that didn't feel great, but nothing hurt after that! It seemed like there was so much to do after you were born. I remember Clarice saying she was quite proud of the stitching job she had done, and that made me feel good.

In the meantime, you were still crying a lot! We would rest, and you would cry, and eventually the midwives would come in to check on you. They were alert to you, but not concerned - they said that this was not totally unusual but not totally typical. They said some babies are just irritable, and it was not as a result of anything we had or hadn't done.

We did eat, which felt great! I sucked down the pizza and bread sticks and had some of my kefir, and ended up with kind of a tummy ache. Audra came in and helped you latch finally, as we weren't quite getting it. I knew when you latched, it did hurt like they said but only for a few seconds! They described it as “toe-curling pain for 10 seconds, then the pain stops.” This was an accurate description. Once we finally figured it out, it felt so good to know you had latched.

Clarice came in eventually after you had been crying a lot. She said she had called the chiropractor and asked if we were okay with you getting an adjustment. Because I had gotten so many adjustments with Dr. Amy during my pregnancy and she had explained what they did for babies, I was more than okay with it. Jan was amazing, and so kind. You loved her. She hit all your good spots! That did seem to help, at least for a while.

Time kept going on, and we never really slept. Something always seemed to be happening when we would doze off. Audra gave us all the paperwork. Clarice said we should head home before it got too late; I was ready to go home, but wanted to stay and sleep all night with the midwives there at our beck and call! People were always surprised how short our stay was, and yes, I would have loved to stay there - BUT they are thinking in hospital mode where they check on you/bug you all night and you don't get sleep anyway! So we did go home and it was nice to be there, and we didn't get sleep there either. Clarice helped us with the carseat – that was a pain, but Daddy finally figured it out. I held you in my arms on that couch in the main room. It was like I had known you forever. I don't think you cried then. You slept all the way home, and I was in the back with you.

How crazy and surreal to bring you home! It was around midnight, coming into 12/2/09. Fellini sniffed you, daddy and I hugged each other, did a few things, then took you upstairs. It did not feel great to pee, but the peri-bottle sure helped. Oh, the mass emotional chaos of those first few hours. You did not sleep all night! We would put you in the cradle, and you didn't like that. You were still really snuffly. We did not sleep all night, we held you the whole time. We were totally freaked out! Daddy called his mom, we just thought there was something wrong with you! Finally we called Kip - she was on call. Daddy told her all our concerns, and she asked a few questions. When daddy got off the phone with her, I asked if she thought everything was okay - he said yes, and that she was coming over. What a flood of relief! I think she came over around 9 am, you had been squawking pretty constantly. Daddy and I shed a few tears that night, too.

You stopped crying just as Kip was getting to the house! Kip said on the phone that maybe you were a worrier (great, just like your mom) - like you were worried about being born and didn't want to come, didn't want to come, then were finally like, “Forget this, I'm coming!” and pushed on through. Which was kind of like how you came! When she got here, she said she had had a chance to look through your birth pictures and had changed her mind. She thought maybe you weren't so much worried like she had originally thought, but more that you were pissed! We thought that was so funny. You can really see that in the pictures too.

Anyway, she held you, and gave us a bunch of homeopathic remedies – a relief, after we thought that there was just something dreadfully physically wrong with you. She gave us the Rescue Sleep spray, Happiest Baby on the Block CD, a few other things, and made me stop asking if she wanted something to drink, said she just needed to use our bathroom, and sent us to bed. We slept for 4 glorious hours. She came in our bedroom and said you had slept the whole time and were alert and did we want to hold our sweet alert baby? She gave you to me then, and we just loved on each other. We didn't want Kip to leave! She said she had just been on the couch and caught up on some reading.

Things rolled from what feels like has been 2 seconds later, you are almost 7 months old. I count my blessings for the way you came into this world every day. I don't know if I'll every be able to express how I feel about all our midwives – Audra, Kip, Clarice, Shelie. I love them all deeply. And I have loved every single day with you – amazing, difficult, heart-wrenching, blissful, total sleep deprivation, mad joy...You are upstairs sleeping right now, where I should be. I love you, my sweet sleeping baby. What will you be like as you grow up? And will I be a good mother to you? Yes, I will.   -Libby



Ion, 1/13/15

Background:  Ion is my second baby.  I had my first baby girl, Devin,  at the Greenhouse birth center.  This was a really positive birth experience for me and so it was a simple decision when we became pregnant again to have a homebirth with Audra.  During this pregnancy I was mentally preparing for a difficult long labor.  With my first baby, I had trouble getting her under my pelvis bone and I spent a lot of time with unproductive pushing before a midwife had to actually help me move her head during a contraction.  Also I had a difficult postpartum recovery with my first baby.  I tore in a few different locations and spent a few months recovering before I felt normal again.  So, even though I was confident in a homebirth, I was not super excited about the labor and post partum recovery.


Ion’s Birth Story


Tuesday morning 1/13/15 at  2:30 am my water breaks.   I go back to bed because at this point the contractions are very mild and easy to sleep through.


Text at 7:25am to Audra : Water broke at 2:30am very mild contractions 30 seconds long and 15 min apart.  Still laying in bed, should make it to our ll am apt no problem. 


Audra called back minutes later.   We had a prenatal visit set for 11am but we both decided to cancel that and she would come when the contractions were stronger and I was closer to active labor. She told me typically women have their babies 12-24 hours from water breaking.  I told her I was hoping to get this done with before dinnertime! 


My husband, Brett, took off for work. I joked that I would send him a picture if the baby came before he could make the 30 min drive home.  Next I called my Mom. I was worried about having a messy house when I delivered my baby. Mom and I made plans to clean the house. I also made arrangements with my in-laws to come pick up Devin.  We spent the morning cleaning and pulling out the birth supplies also laying some plastic on our bedroom floor (where I expected to be laboring).  By the time that we finished cleaning and my daughter was at my In-laws house, contractions were slowing and getting further apart.


I spent the entire day resting and eating to prepare my body for labor.  With no progress Audra recommended a few exercises to kick start labor.  I climbed the stairs taking 2 at a time; I did some hip circles while sitting on the yoga ball and a few abdominal lifts.  All of this didn’t seem to get anything started so after another check in with Audra I decided to go to bed.


I made it to bed at 9pm.  At 11pm I had to get out of bed because the contractions were too strong to sleep though.  By Midnight contractions were building in strength and lasting longer, but they were inconsistent. I didn’t think it was time to call Audra yet. 

1am -  Contractions 2 min apart, but varied in length.  Ion completely shifted positions which added a huge intensity to that contraction.  So at 1:30 after 2 or 3 more strong contractions I was almost ready to call Audra, but then the next contraction would be mild.  This went on for a bit until 1:56 am Wednesday morning I decided it was time to call Audra.  Audra was up and on her way!


I was having some back pain now but I was finding the “Abdominal lift and tuck position” really comforting when I could curl my tailbone up to the right position and use the wall to provide counter pressure.  I labored and watched some horrible late night television with Brett.


Audra arrived to our house about 2:30 am.  Audra came in and unloaded some birth supplies.  She checked my blood pleasure and pulse.  She checked baby’s heartbeat.  Then she helped me put on and adjust the tens unit that I was using to help with the back labor.  Audra suggested I do some more hip circles on the yoga ball and she gave me some counter pressure during contractions and back rubs between them (HEAVEN)!!!   During a few of the intense contractions I could actually feel Ion moving down into position.  After a few productive contractions Audra monitored Ion’s heart rate through a contraction and at rest.  Then Audra took my lavender essential oil and did some pressure points on my feet to help speed up labor.   At 4:15am I decided I needed to use the bathroom.  This is the point where Audra decided I moved into active labor.


After I came out of the bathroom I started some abdominal lifts and tucks (the goal was to do 10 during contractions).  I instantly felt the intensity growing during this exercise. After a few more contractions I started to feel some extra pressure and started to vocalize a lot more during contractions. I told Audra I was ready to go upstairs. 


All of my birth supplies were laid out upstairs in the bedroom, with plastic on the carpet and my bed all waterproofed.  And I was not going to have this baby in the living room after all that prep!  A huge contraction hit at the top of the stairs and I could tell things were getting serious.  I found out later that while I was heading upstairs that Audra had told Brett to try to take a nap if he could and store up some energy.


Upstairs in my bedroom I found an open wall space right next to the master bath and continued my abdominal tucks.  I remember telling Audra “I’m not sure what number I’m on but I hope its really close to 10”  She  said I was at eight.  I did 2 more and could really feel the contractions doing their work.  At 10 I desperately wanted to escape my labor pain.  I looked at the bed and really contemplated curling up in the fetal position and praying for contractions to stop . . . or perhaps filling up the tub and see if some hot water could relieve some pain, or maybe some random doctor would stop by my house and recommend an immediate c-section.



I gave myself a little pep talk – My body is made for this,  I get to finally meet my baby boy, I have already done this once before and know once labor is done the pain stops – so anything I can do to help contractions get stronger will get me there faster. 


So after asking Audra she agreed these lifts and tucks were really helping and if I was willing to keep going the labor would progress much faster.  I am pretty foggy on exact number of contractions but it felt like 2 more contractions I really had to grunt at the end.  I was remembering to try not to cringe at every contraction and to relax my face and jaw . . . but that was really long out the window and found that making noise was really more helpful than concentrating on relaxing. 


Audra heard my loud grunting and said “That sounded really pushy, are you ready to push?”  I was!!  She suggested I move to the bed but I had really felt a really intense urge to poop so I asked if it was okay to go to the toilet.  I honestly thought I was going to have a huge poop first, then move to the bed to have the baby.  Audra told me it was absolutely okay to labor on the toilet.


Audra started rushing around and told me she was going to go back downstairs to get Brett.  I here her yell “Brett, come up here.  She is pushing now!”  She was running in and out of the bathroom with chux pads and unpacking tools as fast as she could.  I was so happy/relieved that I was to the pushing stage (with Devin this took a long time to get here)  By the time Brett made it upstairs Ion’s head was a little bit exposed.  Audra also apologized that the birth assistant was not going to make it and so there were going to be no pictures, but at that point I did not care. Honestly I was excited that Audra did not think I had 6 hours of pushing  to do! 


Brett snapped a few photos on Audra’s camera.  Audra told me that I was going to have to get up off the toilet and hold onto Brett so that she had enough room to catch the baby.   I took a second to think about changing positions and was not 100% sure I could and then I and grumpily told Brett to put the camera down and come help me.  It was very re-assuring to be holding onto Brett as I was pushing.  It was comforting to be burring my head in his chest.


Slowly I began to push.  I could tell right away this was going to be much easier than Devin.  Each push he was coming out a bit, and if he slid back during a rest I was still able to push him back and a little more.  Audra reminded me to do little grunt like pushes when it started to burn and to go slow so that I did not tear. Continuous pushing started at 4:46 am and Ion was earth side at 4:51am. 


I felt him slide out into Audra’s hands.  I didn’t realize how tightly Brett was holding onto me until I tried to stand up.  I had to tell Brett it was okay to let go, he was out!  I sat down and held my slimy warm little boy.  Everything was a blur around me.  I was so happy and proud and glad my labor was over!   Audra was so reassuring during labor that I was doing a great job – I think that helped me a lot and was part of the reason labor was so fast. 


Placenta was pushed out very quickly after.  After the placenta was out I carried Ion to the bed (which was a good thing that we did lay plastic down)  and we snuggled in bed as Ion chattered to us.  He cried when he first came out but then for a good hour he grunted and whimpered and cooed.


Audra got to work cleaning our bathroom and talking politics with Brett.  Brett cut the cord and Audra examined the placenta. We weighed Ion and Audra also did a more through check over of Ion while I took a shower.  Ion was 7lbs and 21 inches long. Head circumference 12 ¾  (Devin was 13) Chest circumference 13 ¼ .  Ion breastfeed for the first time.


The postpartum experience was so much better this time around.  All of Audra’s coaching through the pushing really helped me slow down and take my time.  I did only have one tiny tear that did not require stiches.  I also encapsulated my placenta this time and do feel like that was also helpful in balancing my mood and hormones after birth.


This was another amazing birth experience and I am so happy that Audra helped and supported us not just through the labor but the entire pregnancy.  It’s impossible to not truly love and admire Audra for everything she has done for my family.  I cannot imagine pregnancy without her!  Thank you so much Audra!


Merry Joy, 4/15/14

After birthing our first two in a hospital, we knew for our third we wanted more privacy and the peace & comfort of home. Since we were new to our area, we knew no midwives and trusted the Lord would provide a great one. We did some research and decided to meet Audra. She was simply a breath of fresh air. From the time she entered our home - we were all comfortable with her. Not only did I welcome my midwife each time into my home but a dear and trusted confidante. We were pleased each visit with her well advised medical & nutritional advice, professionalism and utmost patience. Our water birth was very fast - with no complications, and Audra was efficient, calm and truly a Godsend. Even the days after the birth, Audra gladly helped answer questions and offered help with breastfeeding, a listening ear, sweet hugs to help with the hormones and always had tender words for my other children. We are so grateful that she was part of our family's story. Our sweet baby girl, Merry Joy, was born April 15, 2014 - a healthy, strong 9.2 lbs and 20.5 inches.  With thankful hearts for our newest blessing, ~the Gortmakers~ 

Harmonious World Midwifery

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